PhD Idol: the result
We have a Dr. Oldfield in the family!!! Well, we will have a Dr. Oldfield in the family in the near future anyway. :-) The viva lasted about 2 hours and went really well. They told Jeff that he defended his dissertation superbly. They did, however, give him a 3 month extension to do some changes that one of the examiners thought were quite important. So the plan is for the changes to be made and the dissertation resubmitted before we move home in July. Jeff won't be able to graduate this June, but that just gives us an excuse to fly back for the graduation in November. :-) We spent the evening celebrating with our friends. It feels pretty good to know that this crazy PhD thing is really going to happen. he he
Another side note: If you ever get me on the phone, remind me to tell you the story of the Lotus. It's been a crazy day today.
Another side note: If you ever get me on the phone, remind me to tell you the story of the Lotus. It's been a crazy day today.
At 12:21 AM,
SuzTyn said…
CONGRATULATION!!!!! We are sooo happy for you BOTH and very proud. Maybe this only provides a great excuse for us to go with in November. Again, we are very happy for you. WOOOHOOO!!!
At 4:10 AM,
Becky said…
Yaaaaaaay! Congrats! I'm so proud of you!!!
At 3:28 PM,
aroy17 said…
Praise God! This is super exciting. If ever there was a last name that went perfectly with a prefex of DR. It would be Oldfield. Can I still call him Jeff? ;-)
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