Back to the daily grind
Well, kids, it was back to work today day. Yeah, that was supposed to sound confusing in order to let you in on how I'm feeling at the moment. So I've been off work for ages now, right? And silly me thought that I'd be able to just slot right back in as if nothing ever happened. Well, I get a phone call from my headteacher (principal) last week telling me that I'm moving classrooms. Fantastic!!! (said, of course, with loads of sarcasm). He did actually have a really good reason for the move which calmed me down a bit. I totally think though that headteachers must forget how incredibly difficult it is to change classrooms, especially in the middle of the school year! Anyway, I guess I've lucked out in a few ways: 1. I get a much nicer computer and my own printer. (All the other teachers have to walk down to the library to pick up anything they've printed.) and 2. My new classroom is also the teacher resource room, which means that all the walls are lined with shelves of random resources so that I don't have any room for wall decorations. Which to a teacher moving classrooms just 2.5 months before the end of the school year is a blessing. I mean who wants to redecorate a new classroom when it feels like just yesterday Jeff and I were standing on top of desks stapling and "blue tacking" things to the walls of my old one? So moving classrooms... that was fun. Jeff and I went in Wednesday of last week (during spring break, mind you) and moved stuff down to my new room, and I came in again on Friday and spent a few hours attempting to organize the mess. Luckily for me, my headteacher was nice enough to give me the whole morning today, our first day back, to continue attempting to organize... and let me tell you it was sooooo very much appreciated. I actually feel somewhat organized; and for me, being the organized freak that I am, that's a huge accomplishment! So moving classrooms, that was confusing factor number one. Well, on top of that, my entire timetable (schedule of what kids I see and when) has completely changed. But on the plus side... I no longer have my problem child!!! Woo hoo!!! Well, I've been told that the timetable is subject to change again, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that that bit doesn't change. :-) Ok, enough of crazy work stuff. I should probably attempt a bit of sleepy time so I can make it through tomorrow. Happy Monday, everyone! :-)
At 11:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was going to send you an email asking how your first day back to work went. I'm glad I looked at your blog first. I absolutely love that Hallmark 'Happy Monday' e-card! Hilarious :)
Nothing new here, except that Rickey brought back the Scottish cold and rain with him for a day (yesterday), but today it's back to beautiful sunny, warm southern cal. again. :)
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