Life with the Oldfields

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving.... or is it....

Well I went to an American Thanksgiving with a Scottish twist tonight. I quickly discovered that the Scottish twist meant that the food would be prepared by Scots and the entertainment would be provided by Scots...which basically meant that the "American" bit was a room-full of Americans on Thanksgiving day. I have to admit that I thought it was pretty cool at the beginning when the local minister walked out wearing a kilt, playing the bagpipes followed by another Scot holding the St Andrews flag and one of our own American friends holding the U.S. flag. We also sang the doxology together as our prayer before the meal...we must've had at least a 4-part harmony going; it was really cool. However, to say the food was disappointing is a huge understatement. First off, it was a British portion...not an American-sized portion. Second, here's what we had: turkey lunch meat, brussel sprouts, roasted potatoes, carrots, some rolled bacon thingy, and vegetarian haggis!!! Oh and for dessert... a rhubarb trifle. Hardly the traditional American Thanksgiving meal.... and I hadn't eaten since breakfast preparing for this meal!!! To top it off, the evening finished with some Scottish band which consisted of one guy on the fiddle, one guy on the accordion, and one guy singing. They did play a bit of Yankee Doodle Dandy for us Americans. Oh and they did play Edelweiss at one point which Allison and I belted out along side the band. Finally we ended with Auld Lang Syne which was good fun. Allison and I kept ourselves entertained by hula-hooping in the back with the kids. It's just too bad I went home still hungry. At least the Scots tried. :)


  • At 1:14 AM, Blogger Becky said…

    Hoosiers do a little better... 2 turkeys... one teriyaki and the other a Creole garlic herb thing... both killer yummy. :) Move to Indiana next fall... we can have a yummy Thanksgiving together. :)

  • At 5:20 PM, Blogger Meigan said…

    Actually, neither of those turkeys sounds good to me. I'm more of a simple girl when it comes to food; however Jeff would love those crazy spicy turkeys. But thanks for the advice, Becks; I'll put Indiana on the list of possibilities. :)

  • At 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Going to a church potluck in an hour, wife made tamales. Will be a nice break from left over turky for everyone we hope.


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