Baptist Church Meetings
We had a church meeting tonight. Oh and let me tell you about Baptist church meetings...they are by far the most frustrating experiences one can ever subject themselves to. I'm convinced that every Baptist church must have that one church member who chooses to disagree with abolutely everything just for the fun of it. And it isn't just the disagreeing that is sooo irritating; it's the constant talking that takes time away from actually getting something done. Our church is searching for a pastor, and has been for a long time. Tonight the meeting was called simply to discuss whether or not the church felt it was ok for the search committee to pray over and discuss possibly broadening the type of person they were looking for (ie. looking at people who aren't as old, or as experienced, as they'd prefer). Now it's all well and good that they want to bring this to the church's attention, but come on...asking permission to discuss and pray over it? I guess the whole reason for considering the change is because after considering over 30 names and not yet finding a suitable pastor, they would like to start considering those that might not fit the description of a "senior" pastor (senior implying that they've had quite a bit of pastoring experience). Now I'm not quite sure what the age cut-off was in their minds or anything, but apparently some names have been mentioned that aren't old enough so they want to discuss changing the criteria to include these younger folk. So the night ended with a vote as to whether or not it was okay with the church that the search committe discuss and pray over whether or not they should consider broadening the criteria, with the stipulation that any recommendations for changes be brought to the next church meeting. And, of course, there was 1 "no" vote. :) The funniest thing about all this is that the search committee still would've brought any recommendations to be voted on to the next church meeting whether we even had this meeting tonight or not. This stuff just kills me. What denominations vote in elders and deacons to do all this stuff so that the congregation can just sit back, relax and enjoy Christ's grace? Remind me to join one of those churches the next time we move. :)
At 12:28 AM,
Becky said…
Congregational meetings and committees... they're something else.
At 7:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sheesh! If it were me, I'd save myself the frustration and find something more constructive and/or fun to do during those church meeting times!:) (And I bet I know where that crazy "no" vote came from:) But, take heart kiddo, there are many churches out there that do vote in elders and deacons to take care of that sort of thing.
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