New Windows
So we FINALLY got double-glazed windows put in downstairs!!! I think the extent of our excitement is lost on anyone who hasn't been to visit us in Scotland. For those who have the disadvantage, I'll explain... there has always been a distinct 10 degree difference between the upstairs and downstairs of our house... the wood in the huge bay window in the front of the house was soo old and rotted that the water just seeped right in, leading to mold all around the window and in our carpet... the wood also had a variety of holes which encouraged a TON of wood louses (similar to rolly pollies) to crawl all over our carpet (The funny thing is that they would never seem to get further than a few feet before they'd die; leaving our carpet literally covered in dead bugs!!! Tell me about it!) Ahhh, but now... the joy... the rapture... and unfortunately, the smell (The new windows don't smell so great but I'm hoping it will subside over the next few days.) Well, there you have it. The exciting news of Jeff and Meigan... new windows; although, as Jeff's just mentioned to me, anyone who comes to visit us will no longer have to freeze when sleeping on the extra bed downstairs. So that's got to be exciting to at least a couple of you. :)
At 5:24 AM,
aroy17 said…
I am celebrating your new windows with you! I completely understand how exciting that can be. Except ours is mostly to keep out the heat, not the cold ;)
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