Fish, chips, and sunshine (for a short while anyway)
So this afternoon Jeff, Mariam, and I decided to drive down to Anstruther for some of the best fish and chips in the area. Anstruther is a great little fishing village about 15 minutes south of St Andrews. We dragged Mariam away from working on her dissertation in the roundel and jumped in the mini. The day began sunny (to the point where I was considering wearing a tank top) but slowly clouded over as the day progressed.
(I was quite happy with my last-minute decision to wear a warmer top.) Our first stop, the Anstruther Fish Bar, of course! Anyone who has visited us in Scotland will have been to the Anstruther Fish Bar. They seriously make the best battered haddock I've ever tasted, which totally makes up for the fact that they give you a plain old boring slice of white bread as a starter and make you buy your individual packets of Heinz tartar sauce and ketchup. (I usually end up
getting 3 tartar sauce packets and 2 ketchup packets.) :-) Can't you see the anticipation on our faces for the fried goodness? Although looking at the picture again, it appears as though I'm really excited but Jeff is quite bored... hmmm. The great fish of the day was coupled with the brilliant wit of our dear friend, Mariam... you know the one who always has a camera... ironically, she didn't have hers t
oday, but I sure did. :-) Anyway upon looking at the menu, Mariam very cleverly asked if the "local dressed crab" would be wearing kilts... ha ha... get it?... local dressed crab?... brilliant! ::sigh:: I love witty people. Ok, moving on... oh but it's sooo hard to move on... I'm still laughing. Ok seriously, moving on... after our delectably fried goodness we wandered the town a bit. I enjoyed taking random candid photos o
f Jeff and Mariam, much to my own amusement, as you can tell by Mariam's disinterested face. :-) On the way home I thought I'd have a go at photographing St Andrews in the distance. Well, I quickly learned that sticking a digital camera out the passenger window whilst moving doesn't provide the best pictures... oh and gives your husband a heart attack as well. :-) Good times, good times.
I think the second one turned out the best... although, I'm not entirely convinced that you can even see St Andrews in the distance.
Oh and finally, the last one is my personal favourite... not quite sure what happened with the last picture. I think I was attempting to tilt the camera over the top of the car in order to get a bit of the North Sea... it's really a good thing I never considered being a professional photographer. I know, right?
At 1:40 AM,
aroy17 said…
I love that as I was reading through this entry, I thought Jeff looked less excited than you and sure enough you eventually realized that. Just so you know. I don't think there is anything wrong with getting excited over the small, simple, everyday things.
At 8:06 PM,
Becky said…
You'll have to soak in as much of Scotland as possible before you go... though I don't plan on soaking up ANY of the midwest before I go... it's a different animal entirely, though.
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