I've been tagged
Remember Mariam? She managed to tag me. I have to admit that I wasn't very excited about having to come up with eight random facts/habits about myself... not that I'm not happy sharing them... it's just the effort of coming up with them that seems daunting. Luckily, I have Jeff and our dearest friend, Allison, sitting here willing to help point out my crazy ways. So here's how it works:
1) Post the rules of the game.
2) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3) People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things.
4) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5) Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
Here's my facts:
1) I'm a science freak. Well, actually an astronomy nerd to be exact... yeah, I can name constellations and get really excited about random things when I look into the night sky.
2) I take an insanely long amount of time to get ready in the morning. I couldn't even tell you why... I just do. I am working on that though.
3) I, like Mariam mentioned in one of her own facts, LOVE cats. I have been forced to live without a cat for the past five years and it is killing me. I can't wait to get back to California and get a cat!
4) I am a huge Harry Potter fan. All of my Harry Potter books are from the UK so I'm having a friend mail the last book to me in CA when it comes out in July... I can't have all UK editions and have just one US edition... that would be ascinine.
5) No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to stop cracking my knuckles. I have tried and tried... and even have a husband who points out every time I do it and reminds me that he doesn't want to have to brush my teeth for me when I have arthritis within the next 20 years.
6) I love dance. My dream job would be as an ensemble chorus member on the cast of Chicago the musical or as a back-up dancer to one of those singers with great dance skills (like Britney Spears). I know, I know... but have you actually watched a video of one of her concerts? The dancing is brilliant!!!
7) I'm in love with Kelly Clarkson. She has got the most amazingly fantastic voice ever!
8) And finally since I'm now stuck on coming up with facts... I'll mention that I recently made a guy crash a gorgeous silver Lotus into the side of the road because he was trying to show off in front of me. Note: he's alright, by the way. (That's the Lotus story I mentioned in one of my other posts, but it's definitely worth hearing from start to finish when you've got me on the phone some time.)
Here's my tags:
Ok so who to tag... drum roll... I'm officially tagging Angi, Nathan, Becky, Meg, Chad, Sherilyn, Suzanne, and John. And I'm holding you all to it. :-) I look forward to reading your facts.
1) Post the rules of the game.
2) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3) People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things.
4) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5) Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
Here's my facts:
1) I'm a science freak. Well, actually an astronomy nerd to be exact... yeah, I can name constellations and get really excited about random things when I look into the night sky.
2) I take an insanely long amount of time to get ready in the morning. I couldn't even tell you why... I just do. I am working on that though.
3) I, like Mariam mentioned in one of her own facts, LOVE cats. I have been forced to live without a cat for the past five years and it is killing me. I can't wait to get back to California and get a cat!
4) I am a huge Harry Potter fan. All of my Harry Potter books are from the UK so I'm having a friend mail the last book to me in CA when it comes out in July... I can't have all UK editions and have just one US edition... that would be ascinine.
5) No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to stop cracking my knuckles. I have tried and tried... and even have a husband who points out every time I do it and reminds me that he doesn't want to have to brush my teeth for me when I have arthritis within the next 20 years.
6) I love dance. My dream job would be as an ensemble chorus member on the cast of Chicago the musical or as a back-up dancer to one of those singers with great dance skills (like Britney Spears). I know, I know... but have you actually watched a video of one of her concerts? The dancing is brilliant!!!
7) I'm in love with Kelly Clarkson. She has got the most amazingly fantastic voice ever!
8) And finally since I'm now stuck on coming up with facts... I'll mention that I recently made a guy crash a gorgeous silver Lotus into the side of the road because he was trying to show off in front of me. Note: he's alright, by the way. (That's the Lotus story I mentioned in one of my other posts, but it's definitely worth hearing from start to finish when you've got me on the phone some time.)
Here's my tags:
Ok so who to tag... drum roll... I'm officially tagging Angi, Nathan, Becky, Meg, Chad, Sherilyn, Suzanne, and John. And I'm holding you all to it. :-) I look forward to reading your facts.
At 12:48 PM, Anonymous said…
Thanks ALOT Meigan! Just give me a week to come up w/ something interesting! :)
At 3:16 PM, Jo said…
Hello! This is Becky's sister, Jo... so you say you love cats? I have a big fat one named Tank for you :) he loves cheetos and el pollo loco on saturday nights. he enjoys cooking and running around the house really fast after he uses the litter box. He many need a good home if our new daughter is allergic. Just a thought.
At 11:53 PM, Becky said…
So I was trying to figure out how the heck my sister knew you... and then I read this comment. :) I've met Tank... he's something else. Definitely a cat for a cat lover.
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