Take Two
Okay. Since my mom could not live knowing that her daughter is Saddam, I've retaken the test answering all 45 questions this time as honestly as I possibly could and I think my mom will approve of the result. I'm Gandhi! Whew....that feels better.

What Famous Leader Are You?

What Famous Leader Are You?
Honestly, I think it was all the organization, tidy freak questions that threw me last time. Seriously, I may be a little Obsessive/Compulsive but that shouldn't make me Saddam!
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yep, much much better!:) (Although I think I probably could have "lived" with your first results, since this is just a fun little quiz). On another note, what's with the crazy random comment above? Are you able to delete those type of comments, or block them from getting on altogether?
At 8:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, I retook the test also, answering all 45 questions this time, and found that I am "sympatico" with Jeff, as in a Mother Teresa type.:)
At 2:05 AM,
Becky said…
I was Gandhi too!! But I wanted to be Sadaam... guess I'll have to retake it when I'm feeling more like a tyrannical despot.
At 5:40 PM,
Meigan said…
Random comment deleted. :) I get those because I have my blog set so that anyone can view it. Oh well.
At 4:19 AM,
Becky said…
The Reuters Oddly Enough articles are delivered neatly to my desktop via my homepage... so I don't have to look for them at all! It's one of the few cheap thrills I have left as a graduate student.
At 8:18 PM,
Meigan said…
That's pretty cool. I've got to figure out how to do that.
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